784OE - Overeasing for LJ Linear Handrail System 784OE - Overeasing for LJ Linear Handrail System
- 30%
From $ 51.60 $ 73.72
This collection of handrail fittings match the 684 code complying handrail profile. The quarterturns, upeasings, overeasings, left hand goosenecks, right-hand goosenecks and straight goosenecks are sure to accommodate common stairway transitions. KEY FEATURES: Can be used in place of a gooseneck to transition handrail from an angle to horizontal Designed to match 684 Linear Collection handrail Stain grade Contemporary style      
784QTR - Quarterturn for LJ Linear Handrail System 784QTR - Quarterturn for LJ Linear Handrail System
- 29%
From $ 53.59 $ 76.55
This collection of handrail fittings match the 684 code complying handrail profile. The quarterturns, upeasings, overeasings, left hand goosenecks, right-hand goosenecks and straight goosenecks are sure to accommodate common stairway transitions. KEY FEATURES: Used to create a 90* turn with handrail, where a newel is not used Designed to match 684 Linear Collection handrail Stain grade Contemporary style    
784RHGN - Right Hand Gooseneck for LJ Linear Handrail System 784RHGN - Right Hand Gooseneck for LJ Linear Handrail System
- 30%
From $ 209.73 $ 299.62
This collection of handrail fittings match the 684 code complying handrail profile. The quarterturns, upeasings, overeasings, left hand goosenecks, right-hand goosenecks and straight goosenecks are sure to accommodate common stairway transitions. KEY FEATURES: Connects handrail at the top of stairs to the level balcony handrail and turns right Designed to match 684 Linear Collection handrail Stain grade Contemporary style        
784SGN - Straight Gooseneck for LJ Linear Handrail System 784SGN - Straight Gooseneck for LJ Linear Handrail System
- 10%
From $ 263.55 $ 322.58
This collection of handrail fittings match the 684 code complying handrail profile. The quarterturns, upeasings, overeasings, left hand goosenecks, right-hand goosenecks and straight goosenecks are sure to accommodate common stairway transitions. KEY FEATURES: Connects handrail at the top of stairs to the level balcony handrail and continues straight Designed to match 684 Linear Collection handrail Stain grade Contemporary style    
784UE - Upeasing for LJ Linear Handrail System 784UE - Upeasing for LJ Linear Handrail System
- 30%
From $ 60.66 $ 86.66
This collection of handrail fittings match the 684 code complying handrail profile. The quarterturns, upeasings, overeasings, left hand goosenecks, right-hand goosenecks and straight goosenecks are sure to accommodate common stairway transitions. KEY FEATURES: Used to transition handrail from an angle to vertical Designed to match 684 Linear Collection handrail Stain grade Contemporary style      

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